The light has come/I am under no laws but God's
One of my favorite sitcoms is Modern Family. It’s about an eclectic family who is learning the lessons that life has to give. The show is a funny little take on life. Wrapped up in a 30 minute package.
I adore it.
My fav character on the show is Phil. Phil is quirky. Phil is sometimes overly confident. He also falls a lot. I can relate. I adore Phil too.
Phil’s vocation is a real-tor, but his passion is being a magician. His tricks don’t always work out, but on one occasion a sleepwalking Phil does a trick for his daughter Hayley and her boyfriend Dillon.
It is the classic cup trick of where’s the potato. Phil moves the cups around asking the kids to find the potato-only to reveal it has turned into a lemon. For his sleepy finale he throws the lemon on the floor…and *POOF*-he has disappeared. Hayley & Dillon look around frantically for Phil. Amazed & awed…..Only to find him sleeping on the floor right in front of them.
Like dear Phil, I love to look at life as a mystery. To believe the puff and smoke of the news or my ego are the all that is. That the smoke and mirrors of attack and polarization are the only reality.
But when I choose again. When I can look a little closer beyond the illusion, like Phil lying on the floor, the light right in front of me is truly revealed. It has always been there. Just beyond the darkness I believed was real.
And the darkness I create? Well, that is just an illusion more elaborate than Phil’s lemon. Tempting me to let events that have no true power prevail in my consciousness. I can choose to believe the illusion. Or I can remember the law of God/Source that reigns in truth
Source IS all that is.
So today I’ll choose to wake my sleeping Phil to the amazing freedom that comes from releasing all illusion. I’ll see the Source that is always waiting for us to believe. And I’ll remember that our souls are created from Angel wings of light, waiting to fly our consciousness into the heaven of truth.
Namaste dear ones!