All things are echoes of the Voice of God. [W-p1.151.13.1]
Discernment. Yipes. I have always waged an internal battle between the concepts of discernment vs. judgement. Am I being discerning when I decide X couch fabric is the ugliest thing I’ve ever seen?…Or is it judgy?
Here’s the skinny: We grow up in a world that tells us what is good. Bad. Ugly. And we believe it. According to many studies, we come up with most of our beliefs before the age of 6. SIX! Even more disturbing, our brainwaves at this age match the same waves that, as an adult, we emit when hypnotized. You can imagine the power of suggestion is, well, rather strong at this age. And, even when your family is amazing, appropriate behavior changes quite a bit in a decade.
Or two.
Or five.
For example: I loved the avocado-colored appliances and orange shag carpet I believed to be fantastic while growing up. Yet if I sported it in my living room today....it might be frowned upon. Or at least get me some side-eye.
THIS is discernment. Understanding the avocado refrigerators. Couch fabrics. Or human characteristics I might not resonate with, are all echoes of God/Source. Even if that couch fabric or shaggy carpet makes my eyes cross. It’s still someone’s beloved fabric (aka belief). It doesn’t make it wrong. Just not what we resonate with at this point in our lives.
Lesson 151 says judgement is decreeing all shag carpet is terrible. At all times. All places. No exceptions. And that it will never be to my taste. Nor should it be for anyone else. Discernment is remembering that all things are echoes of Source. And that even if shag carpet, or someone’s opinion, don’t track with mine. I can recognizing that it might one day. Or, at the very least, I can remember when I once loved shag carpet. Fondly in fact. With the love and compassion which can only be born from experience.
It doesn’t mean looking down on or claiming superiority (aka judgement). But it does mean seeing an echo of a part of ourselves in every single thing. Person. Or place we see. Because just like our senses may deceive, so may our 6-year-old-born beliefs.
To judge is to disbelieve that the power of the Universe is greater than the power of this world. To put our ego in the captain’s chair of life. And to forget that our compadres on this rolling space ball of a planet are all made of the same stuffs we too were born with. They just may express it shag-carpety vs modern chic.
Only good can come to you who are beloved of God/Source. Release all judgement and witness the echo of this truth. In this you are resurrected beyond illusion. Through THIS do you witness the Source in all you see. Unified. Whole. Thoughts becoming miracles in the very wholeness of transformation. And through you-this salvation belongs to everyone. Shag carpet and all.
Namaste LightChasers!
All quotes are from A Course in Miracles, copyright ©1992, 1999, 2007 by the Foundation for Inner Peace, 448 Ignacio Blvd., #306, Novato, CA 94949, www.acim.org and info@acim.org, used with permission.