I see only the past. [W-p1.7.5:1]
I love a good live action replay. Some days, when I am going about my business, I even repeat the things I’ve said, thought, or done over and over again.
Why did I just SAY that? I think. Did I actually just repeat that out loud??!!
Often it is not the actual words I said that are damaging (well, ok, sometimes I have foot in mouth disease). But my thoughts about myself. My self-talk after I say these things. The story I told myself about what I had said. And, let me tell you, it isn’t always pretty.
I can’t believe you would say something so stupid. They probably feel terrible now. How COULD you?
On and on the dialogue runs. Endlessly sometimes.
But Lesson 7 reminds me that there is another way. There is always a choice. A chance to choose again.
We often do things out of habit. It is the definition of karma in action. In order to break these cycles of behavior we have a chance to see beyond the known. And gaze into the love we can find in the present moment. Because if we are only seeing the past (especially when I allow it to go on repeat) we are inviting more of the same to enter our lives. And that’s when we can become victims to self-loathing or disappointment.
The past is not your present. You are only this now moment in action. And every single thing you see around you is only a remnant of an old story you have moved beyond.
YOU are Divine. You are light and love personified. And you are the miracle that makes worlds happen. THAT is your destiny. That is your future. Leave what’s passed in the past.
And recognize that seeing the Divine in all things-including our karmic lessons- is the path to the greatness you were destined to live.
Namaste Dear Ones.
All quotes are from A Course in Miracles, copyright ©1992, 1999, 2007 by the Foundation for Inner Peace, 448 Ignacio Blvd., #306, Novato, CA 94949, www.acim.org and info@acim.org, used with permission.