My mind holds only what I think with God./Beyond this world there is a world I want. It is impossible to see two worlds. [W-p1.145.10.1-3]
This morning I had the privilege of a day off from my 9-5. I was sitting on my porch, having a coffee, when I saw two birds noisily chasing one-another.
It wasn’t a playful kind of chase. It was a little angsty. A bit irritated.
I watched their drama for a few seconds. Then they settled down in their home in our tree. Once I looked away from the chaos, I saw the sunlight twinkling on a million blades of dewy grass. A sunny blue sky. Even my beloved cat. Rolling merrily in a sunpatch on the front mat.
It struck me that while I was watching the angry birds, I could only see chaos. The deafening noise of conflict overcoming my peace. It was hard to look away, when all that noise was right in front of me. Demanding my attention. But when I stepped back to look at the panoramic view…Well, the beauty was equally deafening.
As Lesson #145 points out, the world isn’t just chaotic birds. This chaos is not, in fact, even the world we want. But our focus is our experience. And when we focus exclusively on the uncomfortable parts of life. We see duality where there is, in truth, only unity. Our salvation, our truth, lies in our connection to our center. Our Source that brings us back to the cagillion beautiful moments our life always has to give.
Capitalize on those moments, dear friends. Allow that the chaos of the world can be part of the human experience. But we can release the need for it to be our only experience.
Don’t let the noise of the world distract you from who you really are. A Divine expression of the greatest love there ever was. It is more magnificent than the chaos. More breathtaking than the stars. And you are its greatest treasure. Uniquely shining in form.
Namaste LightWorkers!
All quotes are from A Course in Miracles, copyright ©1992, 1999, 2007 by the Foundation for Inner Peace, 448 Ignacio Blvd., #306, Novato, CA 94949, and, used with permission.