God’s Will for me is perfect happiness.
Back in the day I had a huge plastic cash register (see picture). I loaded massive plastic coins into the slots, pulled the lever, and the coins showed up in an opened tray.
I played with this toy endlessly as a kid.
Load. Unload. Reload. Over and over (I’m sure my parents were thrilled with the constant *ding!*).
The register was the precursor to learning about money. About exchange.
If I earn X dollars, I can use it to purchase Y.
When one of my nieces was little, my sister was similarly trying to teach her about money. We had a little farmer’s market in my hometown. My sis would give my niece a little cash to go buy whatever she chose. It was an exercise to see what she would buy. If she would come back with a little mad cash or spend it all.
My niece would walk around in wonder. Amazed at all of the fun treats and crafts she could purchase. She would often, in the beginning, spend all of her cash pretty quickly. But the cool thing was-she was never disappointed in her purchases. And unfailingly generous. Willing to buy any of us whatever we wanted. Even asking if we would like something.
Source is cool like that. Like my amazing niece. It is unfailingly generous with its abundance and gifts. It gives us the smorgasbord of happiness and peace at our personal disposal. And although we may think we are running a tab of debt with our perceived sins. One which requires a payment of suffering-Source says Nay Nay! And encourages us, like my niece-to just enjoy what love has already purchased for you-unlimited peace and happiness.
Lesson 101 invites us to give up grabbing the check for anything we have said, done or felt we have not lived up to. It reminds me that despite my love of registers, there is no payment required. We are already whole, at-one ‘d’.
We can receive this with an open mind today. Remember our at-one-ment. And practice when we need to by saying this:
The Universe’s will for me is perfect happiness.
There is no price; any perceived faults are just false-evidence-appearing-real (aka fear).
Peace is waiting dear friends. The Universe is waiting to give us a bountiful harvest of this limitless happiness. Anything else is just misregistering the joy that is ours to live.
Namaste Dear Ones.