Let me remember I am one with God.
Anyone who knows me might suggest I am a bit of a sci-fi geek. It all started with my Dad. He & I would stay up nights watching Star Trek, The Next Generation, while he patiently explained the characters and history.
One of Jean-Luc Picard’s (the captain on the show) favorite sayings was ‘Make it So’.
After he listened attentively to the suggestions of his crew, Picard would decide what he wanted to do. Then he would tell his colleagues to ‘Make it So’.
The cool part about Jean-Luc (we’re soul pals so I’m sure he won’t mind the informality) is that he was always listening and watching the world. Receptive, yet decisive. And he always worked collaboratively with his team of experts.
Lesson 124 reminds me that I have my own personal Enterprise (the ship on Star Trek), crew at my fingertips at all times. Guides, angels, my higher self. All of these helpers are waiting to speak to me. A crew of awesome available, 24-7, to help me with my decisions and co-creations.
And when I remember this support is always there. In every decision. I feel the same safe, powerful confidence and strength Jean-Luc has. In any undertaking I may choose to manifest.
Everything we do in this holy way IS a manifestation. Of the blessings that are our light. A reflection of our one true Source shining within.
YOU are that light in motion dear friends. Transforming pain to peace. Anxiousness to tranquility. Fear to love. No miracle can be denied when we know ourselves within this one-ness. Manifest in the light of truth today.
Go Team LightWorker!