On my decision all salvation rests.
We’re Not Worthy! Was a mantra from SNL’s (aka Saturday Night Live) Wayne’s Word. Wayne & Garth would fall on their knees & bow over and over again to their idols. Saying: We’re Not Worthy.
It was funny at the time. But Lesson 239 (much like Alice Cooper in their videos) says No way Man.
One of the best parts about Source (and evidently Alice Cooper) is that it is always on our side. No matter how many times we might berate ourselves for the messy shampoo bottles of life, Source tells us we are more than worthy. Trust-worthy even. In fact, Source trusts us SO much it believes we can even help its most precious of gift. Our fellow soul walkers. Source’s children.
Think about that. If you have children. Or cat children. Or dog children. Or hamster children.
Think about who you would trust them with…That’s how much The Universe loves and trusts us.
Today, Lesson 239 reminds us of how worthy we really are. Of how much it loves and trusts you with every single person on this planet. And of how beloved you indeed always are. Love incarnate.
Bask in this Love today Dear LoveWalker.
You. Are. Divine.